200 Years of Showing: The oldest agricultural society in Australia by Dianne Snowden | HB
100 Years of the May Shaw | Hilary Burden | PB
Grasping at Shadows: Balfour, the mining town in the Tarkine by Heather Nimmo | PB
On the Front Foot: The Rise of Tasmanian Women's Cricket by Jacqui Triffitt | HB
Last Hermit of Tasmania's West Coast, The: Tales of Jackey Stevens by Geoff Harwood | PB
Blythe Star Tragedy, The by Michael Stoddart | PB
Hobart’s Theatre Royal & The Hedberg: 200 Years of Change in Wapping | by Peter Freeman
No Ordinary Convict: A Welshman called Rebecca by Janine Marshall Wood | PB
Tasmania's Southern Forest | DVD produced by Garry Kerr
The waking dream of art: Patricia Giles, painter by Alison Alexander | HB
A Salute to Max Angus, Tasmanian painter by Alison Alexander | HB
Penguin Hillclimb, The by Stephen Mott | Hardback
At the Movies: The history of the Star Theatres of Tasmania by Jenny Overton | HB
Travels through Historic Medical Education Sites of Europe by Richard Hays | PB
Voices from the Orphan Schools: the Children's Stories by Dianne Snowden | PB
Fires, Farms and Forests: A human history of Surrey Hills, north-west Tasmania by Robert Onfray | Hardback
Abalone Diving Tasmania | DVD produced by Garry Kerr
The Bay: The European History of St Helens by Garry Richardson | HB
My Cathedral in the Sea by Harley Stanton | HB
Towns of Tasmania: A journey through time | Bert Spinks & Pen Tayler | HB