Bush Lives: Tales from the Tasmanian Backblocks by Nic Haygarth | PB
Bush Lives is a rich account of life and leisure in the Tasmanian back country; chance encounters with Tasmanian tigers (thylacines), the post-Christmas dash for the bush, tough lives in hunting camps, tragedy in mining camps and the everyday aspirations of ordinary people in remote place all flavour this book.
Some of the stories have previously appeared as blogs, some have been pared down from journal articles and some have never been published. Lovers of Tasmanian history will recognise many of the names – Gustav and Kate Weindorfer, Thomas Goldie, Stephen Spurling III, Paddy Hartnett, Sylvie McArthur (the Balfour correspondent), to name just a few. Stories from across the state contain a wealth of fascinating information accompanied by wonderful historical and contemporary images.
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