The Last Prospector by Geoff Harwood | PB
The Last Prospector...and many other famous, infamous & unknown western Tasmanian legends
In the style of his bestselling The Last Hermit Geoff Harwood returns with tales of other famous, infamous and unknown Western Tasmanian legends
Rollicking stories about the times and tribulations of Dan Brock, the last professional contracting prospector of Tasmania’s wild West.
When old Dan told teenage Geoff Harwood tales of his adventures, they were entertaining yarns; not to be believed. Years after Dan had gone, Geoff found evidence that Dan’s narratives were intriguingly accurate and he was compelled to investigate remaining clues.
For over 200 years, Tasmania’s West Coast region has been a magnet for adventurers, explorers and seekers who have prospected the land for a variety of riches ranging from social acclaim, material riches, intellectual enlightenment and spiritual inspiration.
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