Cooking Up Tasmania by Jo Godfrey | HB
Cricket in the Genes, George Bailey by Martin Rogers | HB
Curving Into Light by Lorraine Haig | PB
Daughter of the Plateau by Karen Harrland | PB
Day Hikes Tasmania by Reid Marshall & Marina Santiago | PB
Dear Nose | Written by Louise Johnson & illustrated by Carolyn Bassett | HB
Diemens by Guy Salvidge | PB
Disobedient Teaching: Surviving & creating change in education by Welby Ings | PB
Dogs in Van Diemens Land: The adorable, the mischievous and the downright nasty by Ian Broinowski | PB
Drawn to the mountain: A kunanyi/Mt Wellington sketchbook by Nola Parsons | HB with dust jacket
Driving Miss Crazy by Marty Shevelove | PB
Dunstan and Theodore by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore Hide and Seek by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore Set Sail by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore: Christmas with Friends by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Essential Doggie Guide by Lorraine Green and Fiona Dewar | Paperback
Faeries of Tasmania Volume II: Collected sightings by Lady Plummage by Terry Whidborne | HB with dust jacket
Faeries of Tasmania: Collected sightings by Lady Plummage by Terry Whidborne | HB with dust jacket
Fat Chance: | HB | Written by Lynne Fellowes, Illustrated by Jennifer Wright
Feathered Alphabet (featuring Australian birds) by Monica Reeve | Hardback