Towns of Tasmania 2: A journey through time | Bert Spinks & Pen Tayler | HB
Towns of Tasmania: A journey through time | Bert Spinks & Pen Tayler | HB
Trading out of Stanley | DVD produced by Garry Kerr
Trail Running Tasmania by Reid Marshall & Marina Santiago | PB
Transported: Tales of Misfortune & Roguery by Brian Harrison-Lever | HB & PB
Travels through Historic Medical Education Sites of Europe by Richard Hays | PB
Two Good Soldiers, One Great War by Hugh Jones | PB
Two men in a punt | DVD produced by Garry Kerr
Umarrah & George by Angela Baker | PB
Under the Same Moon: Fourth Australian Haiku Anthology | eds. Lyn Reeves, Vanessa Proctor, Rob Scott
Undertow by Kim Bambrook | PB
Unwrapping Clouds by Liz McQuilkin | PB
Up Country by Garry Richardson | HB
Van Diemen Anthology 2021, The | Paperback
Voices from the Orphan Schools: the Children's Stories by Dianne Snowden | PB
White Rag Burning by Dianne Snowden | PB
Wonderstruck: Treasuring Tasmania's Caves and Karst by Nic Haygarth | Paperback
Wooden Ships & Stockmen | DVD produced by Garry Kerr
Yeng Goes to Day Care | Written by Malcolm Cowan & illustrated by Louise Thrush | PB