From Convicts to Computers: Two Hundred Years of The Tasmanian Supreme Court by Justice Stephen Estcourt AM | HB
A comprehensive history of the oldest supreme court in Australia: the Tasmanian Supreme Court. Covering the court from its inception in 1824 to the present day, it has been written by a current Supreme Court judge, Justice Stephen Estcourt AM, with a foreword from The Honourable William Cox AC, RFD, ED, KC Justice of the Supreme Court 1982-1995 and Chief Justice 1995-2004.
It is an unrivalled account of the judges who served in the Supreme Court, a careful study of many of the most important cases decided by particular judges and it records some of the difficulties under which the court operated.
No-one reading this book will be left in any doubt that the Supreme Court has discharged its work with disinterestedness and integrity and deserves its reputation as one of our most venerable institutions.
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