Forty South Tasmania Issue 113, Winter 2024
The fall and rise of the Pedder galaxias Part 1 | Permek Hamr
Simpkinson | James Parker
The afterlife of George Augusta Robinson Part 1 | Caroline Brothers
Scourge purge | Helena Gjone
Care for country: a beautiful approach to life | Bert Spinks
The three doctors of Penguin | Daniela Svoboda Tymms
Artists and Artisans Fighting darkness with beauty | Helena Gjone
Portfolio Looking down on a day on the water | Steve Barnes
Tasmanian Voices The roo economy | James Parker
Wilson of the Steppes | Grace Heathcote
Signs of our times | Don Defenderfer
A la Fiona Festival farewell | Fiona Stocker
A la Julia Crumpets with a covid starter | Julia Matusik
The Patch Here be dragons | Peter Grant
The Abels Mount Ida | Rob Shaw
The track winding back | Chris Champion
Parting Shot Art and craft | Steve Barnes