Child of Gondwana: The geological making of Tasmania by Keith Corbett | HB
A guide to the geology of Tasmania for everyone
From our beginnings as part of North America to our birth during the break-up of the supercontinent Gondwana, through the Ice Age which sculpted our mountains and lakes, this beautifully illustrated book explains what’s behind our landscapes and scenery. See why and how continents move, what makes us different from the other states, how kunanyi / Mt Wellington was made, why eastern Tasmania is so different from the west, what makes our mountains and the ‘great unconformity’, what happened in the search for oil. Tasmania has a wonderful diversity of rocks and is a veritable textbook of geological time. This book helps us to understand and appreciate our deep history.
‘…a rare blend of comfortable reading and accurate scientific information. This is a book which all Tasmanians should read.’ ~ Ken Morrison
Readers' comments
'Thank you for writing this timely and magnificent book about our Tasmania. I was absolutely enthralled reading 'Child of Gondwana'. I was fascinated to read the current ideas on the global evolution of the continents and oceans, and of course Tasmania's key part in this.'
'It's truly wonderful! Whoever would have thought I could become so engaged in the subject after being totally immune for so long.'
'I found it extremely interesting both from the geological viewpoint and your childhood and career here in Tasmania.....I will look at the pipes on Mt Wellington now and understand how they were formed.'
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