Forty South Tasmania Issue 100, Autumn 2021
Lobster Tales - Inside the mountain | Terry Mulhern
Portfolio - Glover country | Hilary Burden
The poet immigrant | Rayne Allinson
For the love of rocks | Sandra Potter
Old-timers - Sea ways | Hilary Burden
The Abels - Clumner Bluff | Rob Shaw
Artists and Artisans - The freedom to be fully strange | Stephanie Jacks
Tracey Watson - Chocolatier | Pen Tayler
The Patch - The night shift | Peter Grant
From the editor
In big and small newspapers, magazines and periodicals around the world, there occurs for every issue a critical meeting of editorial minds to decide story order. What will lead Page 1? How will every other candidate story of the day be prioritised? What won’t make it for want of space?
The meeting of editorial minds for Forty South is a meeting of one, and it takes the form of a few minutes for each issue looking at the story list and choosing the order they will appear in the magazine. Logic plays a part, when for example two similar-themed articles naturally run one after the other, and occasionally subjectivity can influence the process (but don’t tell anyone I told you that).
Mostly, however, it’s purely a function of editorial experience, and it’s a deeply satisfying function. Having spent weeks and sometimes months assessing, developing, editing – living with – the feature articles that will be published, you can get very attached to them. Choosing the story order for them is personal and intimate, like arranging the seating for a large family Christmas lunch.
At the head of the table for this issue is Terry Mulhern’s tale of the secret life within the secret tunnels of kunanyi. Who knew? Luckily, Terry got out safely, living to tell the tale. It’s a great tale.
All our writers are stars, but shining particularly brightly this issue is Hilary Burden. She has become the first person to write three articles in one issue of Forty South. Blame me if you like, but I have yet to find a reason to say no to Hilary.
Another star of this issue of the magazine is this issue of the magazine. It’s number 100. It has been published uninterrupted four times a year for 25 years. That’s 100 editorial meetings to prioritise more than 1,000 stories about Tasmania and Tasmanians. That’s a story in itself.
I look forward to the next 100.
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