Drawn to the mountain: A kunanyi/Mt Wellington sketchbook by Nola Parsons | HB with dust jacket
Dunstan and Theodore by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore Hide and Seek by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore Set Sail by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Dunstan and Theodore: Christmas with Friends by Sharon J Yaxley | PB
Faeries of Tasmania Volume II: Collected sightings by Lady Plummage by Terry Whidborne | HB with dust jacket
Faeries of Tasmania: Collected sightings by Lady Plummage by Terry Whidborne | HB with dust jacket
Feathered Alphabet (featuring Australian birds) by Monica Reeve | Hardback
Fergus Gives a Hoot by Kathleen McLaren | HB
Fires, Farms and Forests: A human history of Surrey Hills, north-west Tasmania by Robert Onfray | Hardback
Fleeting Hopes: A history of Port Davey, South West Tasmania, Volume1 by Tony Fenton | PB
Forty South Short Story Anthology 2024 | PB
From Convicts to Computers: Two Hundred Years of The Tasmanian Supreme Court by Justice Stephen Estcourt AM | HB
George Meets Pippo, Written by Amanda O'Shea & illustrated by Lucinda Hunnam | PB
Germline by Julia Miller | PB
Glimpses of Graeme: Reflections on the work of Graeme Murphy by Michelle Potter | PB
Great Barrier Grief by Marty Shevelove | PB
Guide to Tasmanian Wildlife 2nd Edition, The by Angus McNab | PB
Half A Lifetime: 39 Years in Forestry by Garry Richardson | Paperback
Harbour (The) by Garry Richardson | Hardback