Towns of Tasmania: A journey through time | Bert Spinks & Pen Tayler | HB
A brilliant new book, featuring the highest quality writing and photography, celebrating the unique style and spirit of Tasmania’s smaller towns. Featuring Strahan, Stanley, Ross, Richmond, Evandale, Deloraine, Bothwell, Queenstown, Triabunna, Derby, Franklin and Beaconsfield with stunning photographs by Pen Tayler and engaging, informative text by Bert Spinks.
“In celebrating the pretty, quirky and peaceful towns around Tasmania, we ought to recognise that their establishment meant that traditional Aboriginal lifestyles ceased. Our architectural history is rather short here, but even the oldest sandstone edifice is built upon strata that contains thousands of years of human activity – and much longer than that, of landscape change. For those of us who dwell in Tasmania, it is well to understand that the places in which we base our lives have such forces behind them. For the visitor, I believe that our towns will be all the more interesting for the deep-map perspective we will try to offer, especially because – as I keep insisting – Tasmania is truly one of the most interesting places on Earth.” ~ Bert Spinks
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